Thursday, April 29, 2010 ![]() I freaking pissed of what had happened just now. My house was a nightmare, sister came home late and i got blamed for it, played the computer as per usual and get screamed at, not to mention my other younger brothers with their complains. My belongings got confiscated by my mum, her voice was the loudest of them all, i replied her with an even louder voice and she cried. Now i feel really bad but the the hatred still lingers. What am i to them, a piece of trash? Deep inside I'm screaming that's for sure. School was boring, and it was a last minute desperate attempt to finish up my circuit board as it was the last lesson for it. I didn't manage to finish the circuit but it will still get me a passing mark. I hope it's enough to get me to the next term. Labels: To hell with your new shit. Tuesday, April 27, 2010 ![]() Received my EEP test result and i did pretty badly with a mark of 5 out of 20, cool or what? I should have paid more attention in class. No point crying over spilled milk. I'll make sure to pay attention at class when that bald dude teaching. I hate the fact that i'll be ending late tomorrow. I hope i could skip the second lesson by giving Mr Sim a good reason. Slacked at Lamsoon after school and faiz started disturbing me. Lamsoon was boring today and i decided to head home with Shazee. Board train, got home and DOTA-ed! Today was boring same as any weekdays. I have nothing more to elaborate, i'll end. Monday, April 26, 2010 ![]() Projects, schoolwork and more projects. I thought ITE is the school for slackers instead they torture slackers like me to study. Had a two test in the morning; Javascript and EEP theory. Javascript was pretty easy but EEP's test was a nightmare, i totally forgot everything and eventually started scratching my head for answers. I'm going to bet my bank savings that i will fail the test. School was a boring on monday, as usual. Didn't attend floorball practice today as i was too damn pissed of from the test. Hoping tomorrow will be blast. I still have a lot paperwork to finish and i don't think i could finish it in time. Just as i thought i've cleared everything Mr Sim has instructed me to do. This week is the start of secondary school's mid year exams. I wish you guys taking the exams the best of luck. Some are busy studying while some who have practically nothing better to do are busy disturbing others at MSN/Twitter. Sunday, April 25, 2010 ![]() Random Picture. First of all i wanna thank Shazee for the previous post. We got bored and decided to post for each other's blog. Her english surpasses me, agree? It's 5:04 PM now and i've been at the computer since 2 PM. I'm trying to do stuffs to keep me sane but it's not working. I going to the LAN shop later on with peeps. At least there's something i can do there; DOTA! I seriously enjoyed yesterday's outing with friends. Some tried something new and enjoyed it. I just wish we could spend time like this every saturday going places instead of slacking under the void deck which is just plain boring.
SHAZEE HERE I'm updating syakir's blog due to his laziness . What I've said in the first sentence was only partly true ^^ We've agree to this whacky idea to update each other blog since we both are lazy to update our own blogs . Yet , we have the nerve to update another persons blog . How i wished i could vandalized his blog but i can't . I would have a thousand things to write if i could , *evil smile*. We both went out with Lamsoon peeps to bugis area , specifically arab street . We've met Lee , Nick , Q etc outside seven eleven at lot one and waited for the rest to arrived . We've waited like an hour or so for everyone to arrived . It was horrendous due to weather and our empty stomach -.- After everyone had arrived we were on our way to bugis . We stopped for a while for some reasons . Consequently our time was delayed . We then made our way to arab street . We were there for about an hour or so . I was famished so was he . Syakir and I made our way to Banquet to eat . I won syakir , i ate faster than him although i did not finished my food but still it's a accomplishment ^^ Then , we went home . He has his own reasons and i have mine :D Wow , syakir you must be amazed what i've posted for you although i think it's CRAP . Heh ^^ At least your blog post is filled with something rather than nothing :D Labels: I haven get even with you yet Wednesday, April 21, 2010 ![]() I'm back to post and you guys wanna know something weird? I woke up a moment ago feeling all woozy and can't remember a thing of what the hell happened after only god knows when. I remember what i did at school yesterday but the rest was a blur to me. Must have been those pills of dads that i took yesterday. I'll end here since I'm going to be late for school if i continue on typing. Class starts at 11:30 and i going to get ready and have breakfast. Ciaosz! PS: The questions still lingers in my mind everyday. Labels: should i start it again? Tuesday, April 20, 2010 ![]() Currently it's 1:38 AM and i can't seem to fall asleep. I still have to wait for the tons of dad's iphone to sync completely. School yesterday totally suck not to mention floor ball practice, I only get to play a single game and practice ended. I just stared at Fathir with a puzzled face and asked him, "is practice over?" and he said "Yeah" and my face was like WTF! I kept wondering why my weekdays totally suck, I just hope tomorrow won't be as bad as today. Hoping to be able to slacked with Iman at Lamsoon tomorrow, it's been a while i tell you. I have nothing much to elaborate, Chiows!
Monday, April 19, 2010 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() pictures taken last Friday using my laptop, farhan you're the best! It's been awhile since i last updated and I'll start posting about last Saturday. Hawk invited us to watch him perform Kuda Kepang with his group at woodlands. We came and watch and in return i got a banana from Hawk while he is still in a so called "trance", I was startled not scared. After it all ended we slacked at a nearby void deck for about an hour and went home after that. Didn't really do much on Sunday, I've barely finished my chores. All i did was sit in front of the computer playing this game that shazee introduced to me. It's really interesting but frustrating at the time. Played a game DotA with fathir and we lost, bummer! It's currently 12:30 AM and my floor ball captain has informed us that there will be floor ball practice today. I better pack up my stuffs for tomorrow's practice, it's monday which means school will start at 8:30 AM till 6:30 PM but i'll be out of class before 4:30 PM because of floor ball practice. I just hope i won't repeat last week's incident. Labels: Once bitten, Twice shy Tuesday, April 13, 2010 ![]() cold rain, i hate you. Didn't attend school today cause i overslept. I've been staring at the computer screen the whole day. It's been raining since 5 PM and it's driving me insane. I'm wearing long sleeves & a jacket and still shivering. School stars at 11 in the morning and I'm hoping to come. Mr Sim kept texting me non-stop on why i didn't show up. Both my legs are killing me due to floorball practice yesterday. Nothing much to elaborate, goodbye. Labels: why so am i so down today? Monday, April 12, 2010 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL It's was quite a bore until floorball practice which started at 4:30 Started warming up with fathir by passing the ball back and forth. While we were passing the ball, fathir with his awesome accuracy, shot the ball inside the arena where the team were having a match. I volunteered to go fetch for it but as i was about to land, my foot got caught up by the tip of the fences and i feel down head first. To add to the humiliation, the fences fell down and everyone looked. Luckily they didn't' notice the part where i fell down but still it's dumb. Enough about this part, I played well on all the matches except for the last two matches because i was too exhausted to run around. Overall it was fun and i can't wait for next week's training. Oh my, I've just remembered that I've not yet taken a shower, HAHA! Labels: My hands are tied giving in. Sunday, April 11, 2010 Ahoy fellow blog-hopper, passerby etc. Went shopping with mummy and sister at bugis just now and we spent almost $350, wow! I bought me a Nike Air and I'm loving it! But before going to bugis, we three were with Farhan and his family at our uncle's house. It's our uncle's son's son first haircut and we were to celebrate it but me and Aan just showed our faces and dig in to the food they offered there. I was actually to darn lazy to go but it's worth it. The reason why i even decided to set foot outside is when mum woke me up and said that Farhan is on the line. Picked up the phone and he's begging me to go. I pity this cousin of mine and agreed to tag along. So far, today was fun because i got myself a pair of new shoes! Oh darn it, school starts tomorrow and I'm not liking it. To add to the torture, Monday's school; 8:30 AM to 6 PM. Well, i better go get some shut eye or else I'll be late for school. I'll post for you guys soon as I'll be hiatus for the time being. Chiaosz! Labels: I'm good at keeping feelings, very good. Friday, April 9, 2010 I'm back to post for you readers. Nothing much happened this past few days. I've been MIA almost everywhere. Friends, except my humble apologies. Going bowling with friends at bukit batok tomorrow. I really want to go Brandon's chalet tomorrow but sadly i can't. Right now if i have to deliberate, my life suck right now. I've been trying to figure out ways to solve a certain problem that I've been having, Asked fathir for help as well but his advice might make things worse if i followed it. Especially for you: I really hate the drama that's been going and it landed me in the hospital for two days. Why can't you just move on like everyone else. Why does the 7th day of every month makes you feels as if doomsday will occur any minute. I've been through too much drama in my life and after thinking it over while i so was so called "recovering" at the hospital bed, I realized that you're not going to move that soon. You kept saying you hate him, you want to forget him and so on but yet you still miss him dearly. I'm feeling a little paranoid while observing you. I tried giving you advice but it falls to deaf ear. The reason why I'm avoiding you is not because I'm gotten bored of you but because I've had it with this so called "drama" I been through this before and it ended the way i never expected it to be. Please don't bother posting or even sending long text messages to plea. It keeps on piling on and on. Like i said, i hate sending text messages or even typing them. I prefer talking face to face or even talking on the phone. I don't really mean to disappear all the sudden. It's just that i don't want the past to repeat itself. Labels: Paranoid i am . Wednesday, April 7, 2010 ![]() Safer To Hate Her You Me At Six I had you and I gave you up. No idea where my mind was for months I woke up, I cashed in on all of my luck, walked hand and hand with your trust. And everybody was kissing on fire, and we all got burnt. It'd be safer, to hate her, than to love her and to lose her. It'd be safer to hate her all around. Caught you having a laugh, did you catch me have the last? I've been smiling like this for days, just to make up for my mistakes. In the dark, I watch everyone disappear, and I am beginning to let myself down. I am pushing everyone that was in, out. It'd be safer, to hate her, than to love her and to lose her. It'd be safer to hate her all around. And nobody knows what it's like to live and die on the inside. Nobody knows what it's like to be one of a kind. When we die, do we feel alive? When we die, do we eel alive? It'd be safer, to hate her, than to love her and to lose her. It'd be safer to hate her all around. And nobody knows what it's like to live and die on the inside. Nobody knows. Labels: Be sure to keep that promise . Saturday, April 3, 2010 ![]() What's up you haters, lovers, fagots! Watched Clash of the Titans with fathir and shazee. Awesome movie, I'll give it two thumbs up. The queue was worth it but i hate the seats, numbed my ass. Went home straight away and was told the whole family went bugis shopping without me! So i DOTAed with friends & cousins till there was no tommorow. Nine hours playing DOTA and that's a world record, i think. After a game with iman, shazee popped up from msn. Chat box was semi-intense in a while. Currently I'm still chatting with her. I kept disturbing her cause i was so bored. But she got me in the end, idiot her! Probably going to cut my hair once i wake up. Currently 8:43 AM and my eyes are getting heavier. Coffee or bed, which to choose? Obvious which to pick. Chiows! Thursday, April 1, 2010 Can't believe I've posted a lot when i was at the hospital. I must have been pretty bored to death in there. It's now 6:21 AM in the morning, I've been playing DOtA non-stop. I'm like so addicted to it, thanks Aan for introducing me to the game. Don't you smile, i was being sarcastic you idiot! Gosh, there are still a lot of things i wanna do before school reopens and some of them are:
Someone please bring me out, somewhere i don't care where. And i mean 'somewhere' that doesn't involves stuffs like slacking etc. Alright, I'm going to faint any minute.. see ya mother fuckers! Labels: what is love.. i'm just not good at this..
| Him. Muhammad Syakir. 030393/Seventeen. ITE Bukit Batok '10 7610 ♥ Acoustic, Electronic, Punk. Guitar, Skate, Smoke, etc. FACEBOOK. Leave a note. Exits.
A'an Amira Athirah Arleana Azlan Dee Evelyn Firzanah Fauzan Hidayah Hafiy Huda Izzy Iman Pyzah Shakila Sarah Shazeehan Syakirin Zul On track. Time capsule.
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