Monday, March 29, 2010 Sweet dry land motherfuckers, hahahaha! Look at this blog of mine, i posted alot while inside. I must really be bored to the core, serious shit. I'm starting to love this busted old laptop of mine. Argh, my butt is asking me to go meet friends. I don't know, help me.. someone.. Finished editing fathir's blogskin and it looks okay, i think.. hahaha! well, the motherfuckers here keeps on bugging me to sleep. I with i have my guitar with me now, i would ever so love to play the song below; Remembering Sunday All Time Low He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes Started making his way past Two in the morning He hasn't been sober for days Leaning now into the breeze Remembering Sunday, he falls to his knees They had breakfast together But two eggs don't last Like the feeling of what he needs Now this place seems familiar to him She pulled on his hand with a devilish grin She led him upstairs She led him upstairs Left him dying to get in Forgive me, I'm trying to find my calling I'm calling at night I don't mean to be a bother But have you seen this girl? She's been running through my dreams And it's driving me crazy, it seems I'm going to ask her to marry me Even though she doesn't believe in love He's determined to call her bluff Who could deny these butterflies? They're filling his gut Waking the neighbors, unfamiliar faces He pleads though he tries But he's only denied Now he's dying to get inside Forgive me, I'm trying to find my calling I'm calling at night I don't mean to be a bother But have you seen this girl? She's been running through my dreams And it's driving me crazy, it seems I'm going to ask her to marry me The neighbors said she moved away Funny how it rained all day I didn't think much of it then But it's starting to all make sense Oh, I can see now that all of these clouds Are following me in my desperate endeavor To find my whoever, wherever she may be I'm not coming back (Forgive me) I've done something so terrible I'm terrified to speak (I'm not calling, I'm not calling) But you'd expect that from me I'm mixed up, I'll be blunt (You're driving me crazy) Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair And out of my mind Keeping an eye on the world From so many thousands of feet off the ground I'm over you now I'm at home in the clouds, towering over your head I guess I'll go home now I guess I'll go home now I guess I'll go home now I guess I'll go home Labels: Should i open them? Sunday, March 28, 2010 Ok, I'm now at macdonalds with my mum. Doctors says if i want to go home today, i will have tons of appointments that requires me to visit the polyclinic. I'll be home tommorow morning and it's not really that bad. Mum said that friends called home and brother just faked some lame stories to avoid certain people of knowing. I asked her if a certain someone called but she didin't recall that certain person's voice on the phone. got my phone here and i don't dare opening those messages. Sigh, alright i going to finish my dinner and do stuffs.. - end Help! Hey you happy readers! You guys are probably having a better day than i am because i think being admitted at the hospital for two days is really going to ruin everything and to adding the misery is having a beat up laptop that dad gave me, where's the mac book you promised to bring? I woke up in the morning still feeling light-headed and wanting to vomit, headed to the toilet not realising the surroundings around me. Heard someone shouting my name and i just ran back to sleep, and here I'm now in a hospital bed. My phone's at home and I'm still figuring out how to open up MSN from here. I just feel like walking out of this place i call hell, i want to inform the rest of my current location but i just can't. You guys might be wondering why i ended up here, well i couldn't sleep just now so i called up some of my friends nearby for another mini celebration but i did i over did it. Peeps, try to be online at night because i think i would be able to figure out whats wrong with my MSN by then. I'm feeling much better now and i think I'll beg the doctor to release me earlier because i see no point in the nurses putting me to sleep every time i wake up. Alright I'm feeling hungry, Chiow oh sai mother fuckers! Labels: And that's why i didin't utter a word, your not mine. alright I'm not going to post another "Oh i regret" or "Oh I'm sorry" and other crap. I'm just going to blurt out all the English vocabulary that I'm about to type and It's it will be kinda harsh but by god i don't give a damn about it. I don't really understand you. You said that you were with him and his friends and it turns out it was just the four of you. In my point of view, it looks like as if it was a perfectly planned double date. Ah, two sweet couple taking a stroll at the nearest outskirts of town. Just because you found out there were girls with us and you suddenly started giving faces. I did mention a few names of the girls but did you listened? On that spot i was just utterly speechless all could do was walk away and while doing that i saw that friend of yours at the corner, i was about to go berserk and give him an old school trashing i swear to god, but thanks to someone i was able to cool down for just a second and just walk away. I'm still not satisfied, not satisfied because of why i blamed myself, being sober all the time or even scolded myself because of you. Jealousy was what i was having all this while and i can't even find an answer to that. Maybe because I'm scared of something, something that i can't even imagine it happening. You seem happy contacting him while we slacking, and to think i was not feeling annoyed. If i was there to accompany you that day, you would have never met him. All this while i treated this as if this was a competition and it seemed I've scored the lowest between me and him. my sincere congratulations to him, I'm just not good at this game. Whoever he is, whoever he may be one thing is for sure he's good. But for sure, I'll break his face if i ever see him again. I have recently been having nightmares that you were with him and all seems like a blur, it was hard to digest everything in the morning. I don't really know how to even react right now, I'm out of words to even know what to text you now. I asked myself a few hours ago of the point of me staying in this shit, cause i feel like as if i was discarded for the second time. I think it's only about half of what to say and i don't really bother typing any further. Sleep is what i need now and i think my brain should be back online once i wake up later. I don't even bother to touch my phone now and i think i should be able to live better without it. It's been sometime that i posted a long one. I will be on hiatus this few days due to some reason. Chows~ Labels: Baby, what really happened? Friday, March 26, 2010 ![]() If you're trying to annoy me all this while, well your congratulations your doing an excellent job so far but if I'm wrong well, still I'm annoyed. alright, movie night at vivo city yesterday with pyzah and friends. The movie; remember me was not that bad if you really understand the storyline except for the 'mushy' part, but it turns out it was a sad ending. okay enough about the movie, slacked at sky park for awhile and headed home, reached home at 11 and mum was searching for a frying pan to hit me with, hahaha! alright, nothing much to elaborate. chiowsz! Labels: is it me or is it just you? Thursday, March 18, 2010 I'm just as confused as you are, you tell me why. how stupid of me to throw my phone so hard on the ground. I should have kept queite, now look at what's happening. to tell you the truth, the quote on top of my blog that i made from paramore's song, the only exception was all about you. gosh i'm feeling wooozy.. - end Wednesday, March 17, 2010 ![]()
pictures from yesterday's outing with syika and friends are up. went bowling at clementi and then headed over to haw par villa for a little sightseeing. nothing much there, only a whole bunch of stairs and couple of weird dolls. had a blast and now i'm off! Friday, March 12, 2010 IT HURTS OH SO BAD! alright i won't ellabote much because i'm having a headache from drinking with arziana & iman but i'll be okay. before i say anything i would like to once again thanks arziana for buying me a new cap as a belated birthday present, she's the only one who's atleast in a sense given me something this year, so sweet of her. we took glen vodka shot's plus a can of beer, i was really fucked up and started to annoy the public for real and i received a few bruises due to the slapping and punching of arziana's! while i was semi-drunk i was thinking about something; hurting people's feeling. i regreted something i'm sure to never repeat the same thing again, and now i have lost my mood to type any further. sentosa with ashraf and company tommorow, i really hope i could make it! Monday, March 8, 2010 NEW BLOG SKIN! It's now 12:09AM and as you can see I've just finished editing my blog skin just to match with the background music, pathetic eh? I would like to try something new on my blog and i think this is quite new to me. mute the song if you hate the intro.(i know i parents do, ha ha!) Wow my skin won't look so similar to some jackass named fathir fauzan, nyehahahaha! and I've just heard from dad that I'll be getting my iPhone 3G in a couple of weeks, woohoo! alright guys I'll be on hiatus for the time being due to my hectic schedule; floor ball, slacking, guitar etc. Goodnight! Sunday, March 7, 2010 The current beats you guys are listening to is sick eh? hahahahahaha! Damn, having a bad headache but I'm loving it, why? Cause i want to fall sick so that i won't have to attend school tomorrow. I despise Monday, i hate even hate typing out the word; Monday.. fuck it! I'm having Monday blues, please god make me fall ill tomorrow.
I'll list down the things i left out this week;
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TO ME! nothing to be happy about but still I'm one year closer to turning 18 and that means more freedom and i could go places i couldn't go and you know guys know what sort of places I'm referring to. alright today was not really 'that' special, there was a test at school just now and I'm sure i did pretty badly and when i got home i was dota-ing with farhan and i beat him four times in a row, take that! when mum got home, she handed me $20 and said happy birthday, add the $50 that big brother gave and i have $70! i am still waiting for more people to kindly shower me with greens, hahahaha! currently waiting for farhan to return home and continue dota-ing with me, where the fuck are you man? oh and I'm also waiting for dad to buy me an Iphone just like he promised, come on old man stick to your words will you? alright people I'm feeling quite empty right now and I'm going to grab something at yew tee. chows!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 BBQ CANCELLED yes people I've planned ever so nicely for my BBQ but in the end almost everyone bailed out of me due to reasons unknown plus i don't really have the mood to party with you people on my birthday, sorry guys. I'm just going to plan something small this Saturday and that means smaller the quantity, i don't know where but I'll figure something out. i need to clear the stress in this tiny head of mine and mates said we'll do it 'together' on Friday, yes together. whatever we'll be doing you'll just have to figure it out yourself. i think I've elaborated enough here and I'll update this blog of mine when I'm not to busy being tortured in the outside world.
| Him. Muhammad Syakir. 030393/Seventeen. ITE Bukit Batok '10 7610 ♥ Acoustic, Electronic, Punk. Guitar, Skate, Smoke, etc. FACEBOOK. Leave a note. Exits.
A'an Amira Athirah Arleana Azlan Dee Evelyn Firzanah Fauzan Hidayah Hafiy Huda Izzy Iman Pyzah Shakila Sarah Shazeehan Syakirin Zul On track. Time capsule.
November 2007 December 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 June 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 Thanks. Made by your's truly. |