Monday, June 29, 2009 I hate school, School sucks I hate school, School sucks I hate school, School sucks I hate school, School sucks I hate school, School sucks End. Labels: bunny, cute, rabbit, school, sucks, yellow Wednesday, June 17, 2009 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Good day to all you earthlings, half-brained humanoids, fresh vegatables and animals out there! i am back to post after a long time, again! i was not busy or whatsoever, blame my fingers for it, they were to lazy to type for you peeps! bad finger! hahaaaaaa, as my "fingers" were too lazy to type during the last few months, this will big one hell of a post, a long one that is. this is the post i should have posted last sunday or so, but it was my "fingers" you see? it was our chalet at costa sand resort at pasir ris with friends; fathir, hafiy, azlan, hidayat, irwan and hakim and qamarul. 12th june 2009, woke up so early and called fathir and told him that our ride will be leaving at 11.30, we must reach azlan's house by 11.30 as his will be giving us a ride there. met fathir at lot 1 and took bus; 300 straight to azlan's house. met qamarul and azlan at his nearest bus stop and went up, we were greeted by his mother and was told to wait for azlan's father. we waited while eating some chicken pau that azlan's mother made. after awhile, his father called and told us to come down and get going, got in the car and stopped at the nearest petrol station, azlan's dad bought us some drinks to drink on the way there. reached there and i tell you, azlan's dad was vulgar! he was cursing the drivers infront for stopping for no reason hahaaaa, i was controlling myself from laughing by hitting a 100plus bottle at my face, the others also had their ways of controlling themselves. he then dropped us off infront of downtown east entrance and sped of. we then walked around here and there searching for our chalet entrance, we then found this chalet with someone guarding the entrance, not knowing that this was not the right one. we then called mr.ho and told him we have arrived and asked him how are we getting in with the guard there, he asked me to find the name of the chalet just to confirm, it was aloha chalet resort. mr.ho laughed and start searching for the right chalet. we found our chalet; f-03, we were still the first to reached there, we waited for like 40mins for mr.ho and the rest to arrive, he then told us that the key will be given out at 1+, azlan, irwan, hidayat,qamarul and i decided to take a dip at the pool while waiting for the keys. fathir and hafiy was not in a wet mood and decided not to join us, instead they joined mojin and the rest at a game pool, hafiy was looking pretty stupid holding the stick, mr.ho took "pity" and "taught" him to "hold" the stick properly, hahaaaa! after the game, mr.ho got hold of the keys and went straight to our chalet, we saw poor hakeem alone guarding our bags. we then transfered all our stuffs that were left outside into the room upstairs and went straight back to the pool with fathir joining us. after an hour of fun, it was already 2+ and we decided to take a break and relax at our chalet. when we reached the chalet, we saw camy ong, our ebs teacher along with some old chang kee boxes with alot of delightful nuggets and stuffs. mo jin then setup the barbecue pit while i started the fire, damn i'm good, hahaaa! after the pit was hot enough for the food to be cooked, hafiyinvited me and qamarul for a puff so me and qamarul take a break at cooking and leave the rest to the chinese. qamarul asked us to smoke near our chalet and was convident we will not get caught. while we were puffing happily and joking around, camy ong caught us while she was heading back home, we then pleaded her not to phone mr.ho but she just did. qamarul and i stayed calm while hafiy was nervous. we then head back to find mr.ho waiting for us with a grin at his face. we three gulped and hope that it will not be the worst. we then approached him and he started scolding and lecturing us and told us to pack our stuff and leave at once. the three of us were obviously shocked, we then went upstairs with hidayat who was innocent, sorry little brother. when all our stuffs were packed, we headed down the stairs and head straight for mr.ho along with an apology speech that we three had prepared while packing our stuffs. we then apologized to mr.ho for our bad behavior and promised never to do it again. he thought for awhile and decided to give us three a second chance as this is our first chalet as a class, deep inside we three were jumping and screeming our lungs out, hahaaaa! we then ran upstairs and threw all our bags and stuffs and head straight to the barbecue pit for some barbecued delights. after the barbecue all the malays went upstairs to plan for our outing at old changi hospital, fathir was the lightsman, azlan was the cameraman, me and hafiy were the ghostbusters and the rest are just extras, hahaaa! during our planning, yusman came and told some nice tips and stories on how to catch a glimps of "things" at old changi hospital. to kill some time, the malays hang outside with yusman, ho and the rest of the chinese until it was time for our preparation to old changi hospital. the malays was so eager to go, hahaaa! we then regrouped downstairs and was about to leave when ho stopped us and told irwan and hidayat to stay as they were too "little" to go. hidayat was furious and started to brag, after awhile ho called hidayat over for a chat, and i swear what that boy was saying to ho but he made him change his mind and let hidayat and irwan tag along, yay! we then set of to find some helpful people to guide us the way there. after getting some juicy information, we head to the bustop near downtown east and waited for the bus; 89 that will take us to changi village. after 89 arrived to board the bus and head straight upstairs and sat in the front row, as the journey there will take us around thirty minutes, we decided to take a quick nap, all was calm except azlan who was shivering like crazy at the bus, i thought he was having an adrenaline rush or something the sort so i dozed off till fathir annouced that we had arrived at changi village, fathir told us that we have to walk there as there was no other bus in service that can take us there at that hour. it was a forty minute walk but we were joking and having fun that we lost track of time, hahaaa! when we like two blocks away from old changi hospital, fathir was gripping the the huge torchlight while azlan was gripping the camcorder, me and hafiy decided to lead the way as the rest was a little restless. when we reached the stairs leading way up to the old abandoned changi hospital, azlan felt uneasy and handed hafiy the camera while fathir gave me the torchlight so that he could look after azlan. while me and hafiy were climbing up the stairs, we felt something but decided to carry on, i then reach out behind to reach for someone to hi-five me to check if they are okay but instead i felt the cold air. i was then imagining things and asked hafiy to turn around to look behind together, he agreed and we both turned back at the same time, but no one was there instead our "group" left me and hafiy to climb up alone, me and hafiy was furious plus scared at the same time. i then shined the lights at them while signaling at them to come up, i then received a called from azlan saying that "something" was not allowing him to enter, "it" was pushing azlan chest away and that meant something. azlan said that he and fathir will be waiting for us at changi village when we are done exploring, we lost two good men. i then saw two of them walking away from afar and i then continued signaling at the rest to continue climbing while i shined their way up, me and hafiy then remembered that we were all alone at the near entrance of the hospital and when i did, i was so close to wetting my pants, we dare not look back until the rest came. when they arrived they, qamarul asked why me and hafiy's face was pale white, he dare asked us why? we then turned around and took small steps and reached the entrance. they were a another group of kids just like us that had just came out of one of the buildings to take a break before preceed again. me and the gang decided to greet them warmlyand hang around them for awhile. when we were finished introducing ourselves we decided to explore the main buiding which is the easiest building to explore. when we inside, there was so many brokens doors, fans, windows and stuffs and that made the place more spooky to explore. when we about to advanced further only me, hafiy and qamarul heard a soft voice of a woman crying, i was so scared and dumb that i shouted, "i did not hear anything!". irwan, hidayat and hakeem could not advance any further and decided to call it quits. they told us to escort them out as they were to scared to go alone. when we were outside, i gave irwan my phone number and told him to call me if anything happens. hafiy, qamarul and i decided to continue back to that spot where we last heard the cry, when we arrived at the spot, the cry was gone and we felt free to advance and continue moving on. there was nothing "interesting" and decided to head out, we almost lost our way back but thanks to qamarul's memory, we managed to find the way out. we then regrouped and decided to follow the other group of kids that were there to find the famous torture chamber. when we were to climb up the stairs to the so called "torture chamber", two of the members of the other group came and told us that they saw a police car checking out the place in a couple of minutes, after we heard the news we knew our expedition is about to come to an end. the guys from the other group told us to stay low to not get spotted and continue our way up the stairs once the cops went back down and leave, but just as things were cool we saw a bright light from afar and heard someone shouting at us, we knew we have been spotted and jumped down the cliff that was infront of us no matter the cost, the cliff was around eight feet high but we were so determined to lose the cops that we did not think of our safety, it was called an adrenaline rush some might say. all of us managed to outrun the cops while hiding at a nearby chalet. our grouped was split up somehow and i decided to give the other half of us a call. when irwan answered they say they were caught by the cops and told nothing about our whereabouts and i told them to head straight to changi village and regroup with fathir and azlan and told us to wait for us there. when we were about to leave to changi village, the boys from the other group stopped us and told us that one of their friend's psp is missing, i said that i have nothing to do with it and they believed us but not the other half of our group, they think that hakeem; the totally innocent friend of ours stole it during the running from the cops. hafiy told them that we will settle this quick and easy by calling the rest our of of our split up friends to come back here for a quick spot check on their bags. i don't wamt to elaborate much so i'll just shorten the story; they rest came tired from the quick run from changi village all the way here. they did the spot check and got nothing, we were all furious of them accusing us and all. we packed all our stuffs back, give them a quick stare and went straight to changi village to catch our bus back to downtown. when we boarded the bus, it was as if we were the only ones there except some few scary looking uncles there. we did not pay much attention due to us being tired, sleepy and all. we all dozed of and almost missed our stop, luckily fathir was one of the few who were wide awake and managed to wake us all up. when we alighted, we felt like sleeping on the group; too lazy to walk all the way to our nice comfy chalet. we then arrived at the chalet and quickly head out to the swimming pool toilet to take a quick bath. while fathir and the rest were waiting, they saw "something" far worse than the "things" we saw at old changi hospital. after showering, we got changed and head back to our chalet. when we arrived we felt the need not to sleep and started playing some game of poker. it was alrd 12 midnight and we decided to switch on the radio to listen to ria 89.7; misteri jam dua belas while playing poker to make it more interesting. while we were playing happily and laughing about, dj kc turned on the sound of a pontianak screaming, fathir and some of the boys jumped away from the table and ran out of the chalet while screaming like girls having their manicure ruined, they left hafiy, qamarul and i at the table laughing like crazy at those "girls" hahaaa! after awhile we all felt abit sleepy and decided to visit "dreamland". we then arranged our matresses nicely and fathir, azlan, hidayat and irwan suddenly jumped straight away. there was no space for me, hafiy and qamarul and i decided not to sleep, instead we decided to relax at the beach with nathaniel, so i called nat and invited him to join us at the beach but before that we were missing something; cigarretes, we then headed to cheers at downtown east and bought a packet of dunhill. we then headed straight to pasir ris beach beside our chalet, when we arrived we found a good spot to sit back and relax, it was at the rocks infront just a few metres away from the sea, the rocks was rough buy comfy enough for us to sit and even sleep there. when it was around 4am, hafiy felt thirsty and decided to buy something to drink at cheers so he took the bike and went alone. nathaniel then had to go to the gents; he was having a stomachache and leaft me and qamarul there. while me and qamarul were talking, there was this one couple beside us making out like crazy, qamarul watched and i smacked his head hard, after nat returned we lit another stick and continue joking. hafiy then returned with a panic face; he lost his phone, the four of us then quickly searched for it, i tried calling but it was switched off! he panicked even more. we decided that we should discuss it at the chalet, at the end it was at at azlan's big butt all along, he was sleeping soundly with hafiy's phone in his ass. and the as for the rest of the story, i don't bother. Labels: etc., lampost, one hell of a post, shiny butt, vegatables
| Him. Muhammad Syakir. 030393/Seventeen. ITE Bukit Batok '10 7610 ♥ Acoustic, Electronic, Punk. Guitar, Skate, Smoke, etc. FACEBOOK. Leave a note. Exits.
A'an Amira Athirah Arleana Azlan Dee Evelyn Firzanah Fauzan Hidayah Hafiy Huda Izzy Iman Pyzah Shakila Sarah Shazeehan Syakirin Zul On track. Time capsule.
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